
Clinical Experience

  • I do visit clinical areas, giving bed-side advice; all of this is direct-patient care activity. Direct involvement in patient’s management and care as well as provide telephonic clinical and diagnostic advice to healthcare professionals.
  • Another important part of my professional work is Clinical liaison to discuss microbiology findings especially positive blood cultures and isolates from sterile body sites.
  • I also do liaise with hospital infection control team in controlling the spread of multiresistant organisms and outbreaks in the hospital.
  • During my daily work, I do Ward rounds as a consultant such as paediatrics including neonatal intensive care unit, infection control, ITU, oncology, haematology, chronic infection and bacteraemia MRSA ward, Clostridium difficile infections, and first-hand experience in patient’s management.
  • Answering GP letters regarding clinical queries and management of patients. 

Overseas experience

  • I was also involved in diagnosing and managing medical especially infectious diseases, pulmonology, cardiology etc cases.
  • I did daily wards rounds in infectious diseases and other wards.
  • I was actively involved in diagnosing and managing most of medical and surgical cases and covered medical and surgical emergencies.
  • I attended outpatient department with daily attendance of 50 patients.
  • I gained first-hand experience in handling various acute and cold medical cases including emergencies.
  • I was entrusted with a high level of responsibility in this environment.

Teaching Experience

  • Delivered lectures to undergraduate and postgraduate medical, nursing, dental, bio-medical and medical laboratory technicians.
  • Delivered Lectures on prevention and natural history of infectious diseases to social health workers in Pakistan.
  • Provided classroom lectures on hygiene, minor health problems, and basic management to lady health workers.
  • Presented cases during postgraduate sessions on Meningococcal infections, Human melioidosis and Invasive Aspergillosis infections, Streptococcus pneumoniae bone infections, GRE bacteremia,.

 Research experience

 MSc course at Manchester University

I gained extensive theoretical and practical knowledge during the MSc course. I also had valuable practical experience. Topics included were quality control, bench skills, risk-assessment, personal protection hygiene, and specimen handling. I now have a thorough understanding of general technical methods, microbial infections, disease processes, the diagnosis, and the treatment, prevention, epidemiology of infectious disease. I particularly enjoyed the study of techniques in DNA manipulation, gene cloning, and sequencing, tests used for microbial typing e.g. PCR, PFGE, RAPD, and RFLP etc. 

MSc Research Project

Molecular typing of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia by Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis.

The aim of this project was to determine the relatedness of 17 clinical isolates of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and to further evaluate this method as a standard typing method for this organism. PFGE was performed using standard methods and the restriction enzymes, XbaI and SpeI.

I found evidence of cross infection in isolates from Belfast City Hospital. I found no evidence for cross-infection among the isolates from Manchester Royal Infirmary.

Other Projects

  • Clostridium Difficile  associated diarrhoea (CDAD): An audit of mandatory testing in a district general hospital laboratory.

This study reviews the appropriateness of current laboratory practice for the diagnosis of CDAD and analyses this in the context of the mandatory surveillance requirements by the Department of Health (DOH).

  • Hepatitis E virus infection in a District General Hospital in the UK.

The purpose of this study is to highlight the epidemiological and clinical features of patients with HEV infection from an area in the West Midlands, UK.

  • Epidemiological features of MRSA bacteraemia in five years in district general hospital in UK.

This study determines the incidence rate and possible risk factors of MRSA bacteremia in a district general hospital.

  • Blood culture contamination rate in Southend University Hospital during Aug 2006 to Jul 2007.

Courses / Conferences Attended

  • Attended workshop “Real-time PCR techniques: from extraction to quantification” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10-11 April 2003.
  • Attended “International seminar on Tuberculosis control: A case for Regional cooperation” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 21-22 July 2003.
  • Attended “problem based learning” training workshop 24 Feb and 2 Mar 2004 in University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
  • Attended ‘Management of febrile neutropenia” 21-22 June 2004 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Attended “A workshop on laboratory diagnosis of Dengue” from 9th May 2005 to 13th May 2005 in University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
  • Attended “Improving outcome through education” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in June 25, 2005.
  • Attended “Research Methods Introductory Course” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 26th-28th July 2005.
  • Attended “ESBLs-Controlling the problem at BSAC HQ Birmingham on 6th February 2006.
  • Attended “A germ of an idea, West midland regional R&D day” in Birmingham. 15th May, 2006.
  • Attended “Guidelines implementation meeting” in Birmingham, 15th May, 2006.
  • Attended “Federation of Infectious Disease conference” in Cardiff, from 29thNov to 1st Dec, 2006.
  • Attend course “outbreak investigation: Outbreak Investigation: a practical course 4th and 5th March 2008.
  • Attended course “Mycology Conference” on 29-31st March 2009.
  • Attended FIS conference at Birmingham November11-13, 2009.
  • Attended HPA trainee study day November 03, 2011.
  • Attended shape meeting “Management of complicated infections in 21st century: current and future approaches”. November 04-05, 2011.
  • Attended Training day for SpRs at Addenbrookes Hospital on 23rd January 2012.
  • Attended Anti-infective network meeting One day course March 2013.
  • Attended one day course at Public health London April 2013.
  • Attended appraisal training course half day on 29th June 2015 at Medway Foundation Trust.
  • Attended ECCMID conference in Copenhagen Denmark from 25-29 April 2015.
  • Attended Education supervisor course on 6-7th Nov 2014 at The Royal College of Physicians London.
  • Attended master management course (10 sessions) at Medway Foundation Trust (2013-14).
  • Attended ECCMID conference in Barcelona Spain from 10-13 May 2014.
  • Attended “Education Workshop 2013 Bone and Joint infections” London 17th October 2013.